Luhya leaders laud presidential appointment 

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After two weeks of uncertainty of the  remaining slots in the  uhuruto cabinet , president Kenyatta   made a conclusion by appointing  his right hand men and women who will help in fulfilling the  jubilee agenda known as  ‘ big four’ agenda that focuses on  food security , affordable housing , manufacturing and affordable healthcare to all .

 Unlike the first announcement that excluded some of  the incumbents , living their fate unsealed , the yester appointment ,saw all the previous cabinet secretaries  either re appointed or settled in the ambassadorial positions .

The appointment of  Rashid  Achesa  for the sports and heritage dockets and  reaasigment of Eugene wamalwa as the Cabinet for devolution has drawn massive  support from their home turf of  Western Kenya with leaders from the region lauding the president move of having the two in his last leg cabinet .

Speaking after condoling with the family of the  late vice president kijana wamalwa  in Karen Nairobi former member of parliament  Muskari  Kombo  welcomed the presidential move to have the two in his cabinet arguing that it’s the best thing that has happened to the community that offered support to his re election bid in the August general election and the October repeat election 

        ” while we were mourning our sister in law ,I just want to take this opportunity to thank his Excellency the president that he has wiped our tears in a very special we and we appreciate it ,by retaining Eugene wamalwa Yvonne’s brother in-law in the cabinet and  to some extent given him a bigger ministry and we want to thank him as people from Western not only did he give us Eugene and elevate him as it were he also gave us Rashid Achesa as a nominate again this we  do appreciate very much .”  Said Muskari Kombo .

Photo credit : Nationmedia.

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