Grow a thick skin, Uhuru advises Maraga
President Uhuru Kenyatta has wittingly urged Chief Justice David Maraga to be receptive of criticism and watch out for negative comments from the public, maintaining it is inevitable given his position. “I speak from my experience as a politician…Kenyans will say what they have to say and most of the times it will not be flattering. That is democracy. One of the things I have learnt is just grow a thick skin Chief Justice,” President Uhuru told Maraga.
The remarks rekindled the moments after the Supreme Court nullified the August 8 presidential election results and President Uhuru Kenyatta at a meet-the-people tour at Burma market, Nairobi called Chief Justice Maraga and the other judges as ‘wakora’ (crooks). The head of state would further ask the Judiciary to be mindful of the effects of its actions on the other arms of government maintaining that the administration of justice should not be shrouded in intrigues that only a few understood.
Read more at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001263232/grow-a-thick-skin-uhuru-advises-maraga